Sunday 24 August 2014

El Vulcan

This is one of the squares in Banos - with some musicians in it last night and then at day time. There was panpipe music and traditional dancing first (I pretty much loved that bit due to my past life as an Andean musician), then this group below who were good at their instruments but sang a bit out of tune and the speakers were too loud so we didn't stay around too long for that. 

I also discovered tonight that the room shaking earlier will have been the volcano doing some volcano things, ie rumbling. Wowee. 

I've booked my hostel in Latacunga for tomorrow and feel quite proud of myself for actually doing that on the phone as that's always a bit scary. I also am excited as I finally feel like actually doing some sight seeing here. We did some touristy things here in Banos (mountain bikes and a quad bike thingy and looked at waterfalls and people on zip lines), so maybe that's motivated me and got the ball rolling. I'm going to see the crater lake in Quillitoa from Latacunga which sounds pretty exciting. 

I found out tonight that banks here don't have money in them on Sundays. This is a bit of an incovenient thing to find out on a Sunday when you've just spent $4 on shampoo which could've waited another few days. But I found really cheap dinner so all was ok. I've been listening to TED talks in my room and generally chilling out. 

I'm not sure this blog post is going to work as it's on my phone again which had the technical hitch earlier. If it has worked you'll be reading it now. Xx

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